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What You Put Out You Get Back

Your Frequency Determines What You Experience Your strongest beliefs are what you are putting out. You beliefs make you who you are and create the experiences you have. The beliefs you hold most strongly generate the energetic frequency that you are. Your thoughts,...

Everything Changes

Change Everything changes except… your existence, the All being the One and the One being the All, and the law of attraction and repulsion that says what you put out you get back. You are consciousness and are shifting that consciousness through billions of realities...

Everything is Here and Now

Everything is Here and Now There is actually only one moment and one place. Everything exists now and everything is here. The structure of everything already exists, always has, and always will, but your perspective and your experience is new, so live in the now...

Physical Reality

What Is Physical Reality? Physical reality is something you create within your consciousness. It exists inside of you, not outside of you. There is nothing “out there.” It is all inside of your consciousness.  The physical universe does not exists without you. You are...
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