Sandra RolusMy Gifts and Talents

I am Awareness & Happiness Coach. I am on a mission to raise the level of awareness & happiness through motivational speaking and inspirational writing ❤.

Sandra MeditatingThings I Love

I love doing Healing Workshops such as Womb Blessings, Munay-Ki, and Womb Wisdom. Munay-Ki means I love you ~ Shakti is life-force. These are all very sacred and beautiful to me.

Swimming with Cetations is one of the most transformational things that I have ever done. They are so fun and playful! I feel my Sirius connection when I am with them.

I love leopards. The leopard’s message is about trusting and allowing the future to unfold while confronting your fears. KNOW who you are and you’ll find that your fears will fall away with their own weight. You may have been carrying three times your weight, but the Truth is, you do not have to do this anymore.

Sandra-Standing-Red-RocksWhere I Live

Sedona is one of my homes. It is an incredibly powerful vortex which enables transformation, new ideas, and inspiration. I love living here when I am not traveling the world sharing my gifts and talents.

“Get still and trust that the future is full of unexpected Goodness and prosperity.”